A human mage and the hero of this story residing in the small village by the name of Armeria. The lack of monsters, or really, any sort of danger in her world has lead to her mostly focusing on healing magic, although she does know how to defend herself as well if need be.
She works as a healer and runs a clinic with her sister, all the while doing occasional odd jobs on the side.
Tear’s slightly chubby little sister. While nowhere near as headstrong as her, she makes up for it in kindness. Unlike Tear, she also actually knows how to cook.
The time she’s not working at the clinic is usually spent looking after the village’s children and reading stories to them.
Fox spirit from another world.
Don’t let her appearance fool you: This little creature loves sex. Alongside her friend Chiro, she works hard every single day to improve relations between humans and demons, which might explain why she became such good friends with Tear after the two unexpectedly met.
A succubus who uses lust magic to turn people into sex-crazed beasts. Dreams of one day conquering the world.
Seems to hold a special interest towards Tear...