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Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning (download)
Without Mosaics, Full Voice
$39.95    MG point:199
On Sale:
Dec 23, 2015
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
3.5 out of 5 (4 reviews)
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Nikola Tesla
The protagonist and hero of this story. The first transfer student in the history of the Academia and the president of the Speculative Detective Club (an organization he founded himself). By all appearances, he’s a clean-cut young man in early adulthood. Tesla himself, however, claims to be 72 years of age.

His past is full of mystery. Some say he spent years working in a prominent research institution in the USA; others claim that he’s a globe-trotting revolutionary with a long history of insurrectionist activities. There are even those who believe him to be a mortal enemy of Lord Edison, a founding father of the United States. Tesla himself refuses to dignify any of these rumors with a response.

When using his lightning powers, Tesla is automatically equipped with a powerful mechanized belt and gloves. In addition, a long, flowing scarf appears around his neck, crackling with electricity.

Lightning King - Supernatural Power. Capable of freely manipulating electricity in all of its forms.

Electric Field Blades - Supernatural Power. Five luminous bodies in the form of swords fly as he directs them.

Super Electromagnetic Form - Supernatural Power. No data.

"I bought you for 30 silver coins. In other words, you’re mine. Body and soul."
Neon Scalar Smilja
A protagonist and the heroine of this story. The only member of the Detective Club; Tesla’s assistant. A girl who’s been known to fire off a fierce glare every now and then.

First-year student in the Academia’s Engine Physics Department; no living relatives. Her hair is dyed a bright shade of pink. Originally, it was brown, just like that of her deceased elder brother.

She was living a harsh life of exploitation as a "second-class student" until Nikola Tesla bought her for the price of 30 silver coins.

Equipment: Student Engine Card, Engine Phone, Grudge Notebook, Necklace with Locket

Spirited - The girl has guts. She doesn’t give up easily.

Single-mindedness - Once she’s set her mind on something, she makes it happen.

Smile - Her radiant smile wins hearts left and right.

"If I’m an assistant, then start treating me like one. Please. If you’d be so kind!"
Walther Ritz
One of the six members of the Governing Council. Specifically, he belongs to the "Fraternity," the male wing of the Council. A third-year student at the Academia. Hails from Switzerland. His left eye changed to a striking golden color several years ago.

A quiet and intellectual young man.

Equipment: Exclusive Governing Council Engine Card, Scholar-class Engine Gurney x23, Combat Gurney x2, Roller-blade Engine Boots, a.k.a. "Silver Shoes"

Gurney Enthusiast - Knowledgeable mechanic, constantly remodeling his fleet of Engine-powered automobiles.

Speed Freak - The pleasure of rapid movement stimulates his mind like nothing else.

Hyper-Acceleration - Supernatural Art. Capable of rapidly increasing his own velocity, and that of any object he’s in contact with.

"Speed... Do you understand its true significance, transfer student?"
Berta Mori Wiegert
One of the six members of the Governing Council. Specifically, he belongs to the "Fraternity," the male wing of the Council. A second-year student at the Academia. By all appearances, a level-headed young man. His temperament is calm; his tone of voice always dispassionate. Hails from the German Empire. His right eye changed to a striking golden color several years ago, but his left remains a deep black.

Extremely knowledgeable about the Orient, particularly the Far East (Japan). It’s said that he adheres to the Bushido code and considers himself a samurai.

Equipment: Exclusive Governing Council Engine Card, Japanese Sword (Always at his side), Handkerchief (A memento of his mother)

Calm Disposition - Strict mental discipline. He maintains his composure and rationality at all times.

Transforming Blade - The Japanese katana at his side has been remodelled to enable rapid conversion into a two-handed nagamaki.

Demonic Conscription - Supernatural Art. Capable of controlling up to 100,000 mindless humanoid automatons simultaneously.

Megamaton - His trump card?

"Have you no shame? If this were the Far East, you’d be cutting your belly open right about now."
Émilie du Châtelet
One of the six members of the Governing Council. Specifically, she belongs to the "Sorority," the female wing of the Council. A third-year student at the Academia. Current head of the house of Châtelet, a noble French family. Her right eye changed to a striking golden color several years ago.

A refined young woman who’s nonetheless exceptionally high-handed; sincerely regards the general student population as her servants. Possesses a private corps of female bodyguards.

Equipment: Exclusive Governing Council Engine Card, Rapier, Bow (Only in combat)

Aristocratic Spirit - Never allows herself to forget her duty as a member of the nobility.

Artemis 1 - Expertly wields an enormous bow she designed herself. Its height matches her own.

Artemis 2 - ???

Artemis 3 - ????

Infallible Calculation - Supernatural Art. Capable of performing incredibly complex calculations instantaneously. She can visualize the precise trajectory of her shots before firing, rendering her near-invincible in long-distance combat.

"Human beings need to be ruled. It’s all that enables us to live as honest men and women, rather than as beasts."
Josephine March (Jo)
One of the six members of the Governing Council. Specifically, she belongs to the "Sorority," the female wing of the Council. A second-year student at the Academia. A friendly, frank girl who says what she means and means what she says. Oddly enough, she’s quite taken with Transcendentalist thinking.

Hails from the United States of America. Her right eye changed to a striking golden color several years ago. Her sister Amy, younger by two years, is enrolled in the Academia as a first-year student.

Jo often talks about how close they are... but in truth, the relationship she describes fell apart more than a year ago.

Equipment: Exclusive Governing Council Engine Card, Giant Mechanized Axe (Only in combat), Giant Mechanized Gauntlet (Only in combat)

Cheerfulness - Her frank, easygoing personality earns her plenty of friends.

Healthy Body - Naturally tall and agile, she makes a habit of keeping herself in excellent shape.

Anatomical Manipulation - Supernatural Art. Capable of unilateral control over the bodies of other human beings. But for some reason, she only uses it to strengthen herself.

"I want to show it to my little sister, y’know? Pretty please?"
Florence Ameghino Nightingale
One of the six members of the Governing Council. Specifically, she is the presiding member of the "Sorority," the female wing of the Council. A fourth-year student in the Theology Department and president of the European Religion Research Society. She’s believed to hold the rank of Erudite Scholar in the field of Natural History. Her right eye changed to a striking golden color several years ago.

Popularly known as the "Divine Lady," she’s widely considered the Academia’s foremost woman of letters.

Equipment: Exclusive Governing Council Engine Card, Water Pipe (Hookah-style), Earrings

Charisma - Her refined, graceful demeanor attracts widespread admiration.

Naturally Gifted 1 - A prodigy who already possesses the rank of Erudite Scholar in the field of Natural History.

Naturally Gifted 2 - A genius constantly working her way toward the hidden truths of the world through individual effort.

Other-Caller - Supernatural Art. Capable of producing a diverse range of phenomena by calling forth various legendary beings.

"I’m pleased to make your acquaintance, Nikola Tesla. Welcome to the Academia."
Wilhelm Reich
One of the six members of the Governing Council. Specifically, he is the presiding member of the "Fraternity," the male wing of the Council. A fifth-year student in the Engine Physics Department, regarded as the true ruler of the Governing Council.

Hails from Eastern Galicia, where his family has served as knights for many generations. His left eye changed to a striking golden color several years ago. Joined the Governing Council as part of his search for the golden power of "Orgone." He believes this cosmic force to be a manifestation of bliss itself.

Equipment: Exclusive Governing Council Engine Card, Saber (Always at his side), Japanese Sword, Knife

Sword Oath - Possesses an iron will forged through extensive mental training. Prioritizes efficiency on a grand scale.

Pain Paralysis - Possesses a nervous system strengthened through extensive training. He essentially feels no pain.

Blade of the Knight - Supernatural Art. When holding anything that resembles a sword, he gains access to numerous superhuman physical abilities.

He is one of very few - even among the Council - who knows the Academia’s real nature.

"Our eyes must remain fixed on our goal. The Bell of Gahkthun will only ring if offered a truly sacred gift."

Required CPU: Pentium III 1Ghz
Required Memory: 256 MB or more
Recommended Memory: 1GB or more
Required Resolution: 1024 x 768
Required Colors: 32bit Color
Sounds: DirectSound PCM Compatible
Required HDD Free Space: 4.4GB

Old English Novel
I started getting interested in the story, but the over description on environment and thoughts left me struggling to get through it. In addition the fight scenes which seem like they should rely on fast action and split second decisions are again bogged down by the same over emphasis on describing environment or protagonists thoughts which often times seem needless.

The game does prove good for those interested in mind games, as it proposes theoretical situations and asks the user to determine the proper action.

In many ways it feels like reading an old English novel, unless you are interested in some really heavy reading don't buy this game.
I hate Wilhelm so much
That in and of itself truly deserves 5 stars. Too build characters up so much I enjoyed it a lot and character development was fantastic. But for real though. Hate Wilhelm

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